How are Mass. student journalists covering stress and mental health?

February 20, 2019
Student stress and mental health has been on the minds of people across Massachusetts this year, and it’s found its way into your publications and broadcasts.
Here are a few stories from newspapers and broadcasts across the state that show off how student reporters are handling these topics:
Westford Academy’s Ghostwriter ran a full 16-page print issue dedicated to a wide variety of stories about student stress. You can see the whole print edition on Issuu HERE, and read the stories themselves on their website HERE.
James Mulkern from Abington High School’s Green Wave Gazette wrote about the issue last month as well, in “How Abington High Subdues Stress.”
Over in Byfield, Kelley Fristsen of Triton Regional High School’s Triton Voice wrote an reported opinion piece called “The Burden of Mental Health.“
Gabby Colace of Franklin High School’s Pantherbook looked at the role of technology in “How Smartphones Could Be Affecting Your Mental Health.”
Junior staff reporters Stephen Ailinger and Dan Gruber of Norwood High School’s Mustang Magazine showed how teachers at their school are trying to build community on the first day of school with their feature broadcast “I Saw The Sign.”
Finally, Nick Cloney of Brookline High School’s The Sagamore had some back-to-school tips in Septebmer in “Daunting Stress Can Be Made Manageable.”
Know of any stories in high school publications and broadcasts that we didn’t feature on this list? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll update what we have here.